Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blogging Around

I read Kathryn's college essay blog. She wrote about her feeling while she was writing her college essays. Because she has to write her personal things on her essay, it is hard to make it appealing to a college admission. In order to fix her problem, she said she needs to focus on her ideas very specifically.
"Kathryn, I totally understand how difficult it is to write a personal things in college essay. I have to think very deeply and know myself very well. I have the same troubles that you have. Just take a time and brain storm your ideas and thoughts before you write an essay. Good Luck~"

I read Klaudia's metacognition blog. Her blog was about how feeling inspired is very important. When she feels positively about the assignment, she thinks it is easier to get it done and much faster. Sometime she procrastinate on something, but she try to resist it, and follow her process.
"Klaudia, I think you made a good point. When I do my homework, I always rush and try to do fast, but no correctly. From your blog, I learned that I need to make my assignment feel positive. Also, I need to take a time and think  before I start.  "

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