On Tuesday in class discussion, we compared between is and ought. Mr. Allen asked us a question, “Ought we to need a cell phone or smart phone?” And he said, the cell phones are distracting people, and it is not necessary to have them. He even changed his smart phone to a regular free phone, because he does not want any distractions.
When we talked about this in the class, I deeply thought if I need a smart phone? Because everyone has one, or do I really need one? Not even just cell phones, but I get distracted by other technologies. I constantly check Facebook and e-mail, and I listen to music every time. I feel like I miss something when I do not check them.
I changed my mind through this discussion. Most of the technologies that were invented in the 21st century, it can be convenient, but we ought to not need them. Even a few years ago, people were fine without having a smart phone or Facebook. They did not have to check mail or go on the internet every few minutes. The new inventions can help people in one point, but it hurts and distracts some part of people’s life. Now I choose not to be distracted by other technologies that surround me. I promise myself not to spend more than 30 minutes on Facebook or e-mail every day.
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