Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Lit Circle

           After I read the book, The Post American World, and Kathryn’s blog, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, I found the connections between them. When we discussed in class, I thought there were no connections between these two books because they were talking about different topics. However, as I thought deeply, there were some similarities in these two books.
Zakaria’s major claim was the “rise of the rest.”  He was basically talking about how America is not getting worse, but other countries, China, Japan, India and Germany, are growing at a very fast rate. China and India are the countries that economy would grow at its fastest pace in the last few decades. Especially, China’s income per person across the globe would rise at a faster rate than any other period in history. The book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, was talking about how HeLa cells were growing fast and impact in the medical world. HeLa cells are growing much faster than normal cells.
Even though, one book is talking about the country and the other book is talking about the cell, I thought they were similar. Even in last few decades no one thought that China would become one of the most important country in the world.  Also, China is the richest country in the world. They have very large population which means they have many workers, and it results better economy. HeLa cell is like China. It grows much faster than normal cells, and therefore produced results faster. Even thought the cell is small, it impact people’s lives and it is one of the most thing from human body.
The both books showed that how unexpected thing could affect the lives and world. Unexpected things could change our live one day. We need to have interest in a variety of things and we need to continuously observe the changes that the world is going through.

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